Problem: Task manager display different application name than assembly name of the application in a window form application.

Problem: Task manager display different application name than assembly name of the application in a window form application.

[Solved] Task manager display different application name than assembly name of the application in a window form application.
In the Window Form Application, you need to set two things if you want to change the application name (or we can say .exe name) while releasing the project.
1) Assembly Name: You can change the assembly name from the property page of the project.
For this right click your project -> Application Tab -> Assembly name. Change Assembly name whatever you want. After this right click on the project and click Rebuild. This will generate new EXE file in the release folder same as your assembly name.
But remember that, In the task manager when you are checking for the application it is the same as your project name.
like -> Project Name
— Assembly Name ( as per your given name)
If you want to change the Project Name as well you need to change the Assembly information as well.
2) Change Assembly Information

Problem: Task manager display different application name than assembly name of the application in a window form application.

For this right click your project->Application Tab -> Click on Assembly Information
Edit Title same as your Assembly Name ( or Whatever you want into task manager instead of project name). You can also change the Product Name and other information.
Then Rebuild your application to generate new EXE file with these changes.
Hope this will help you.