How to Save Pdf File into a Directory in syncfusion

To save a PDF file into a directory using Syncfusion, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new PDF document using Syncfusion’s PDF library. You can use the PdfDocument class to create and manipulate PDF documents.
  2. Add content to the PDF document using the various classes provided by Syncfusion, such as PdfPage, PdfTextElement, PdfImage, etc.
  3. After adding all the necessary content to the PDF document, save it to a memory stream using the PdfDocument.Save method. You can then convert this memory stream to a byte array using the ToArray method of the MemoryStream class.
  4. Finally, save the byte array to a file in the desired directory using the File.WriteAllBytes method. This method takes the file path and the byte array as parameters and writes the byte array to the specified file path.

Here’s some sample code that shows how to save a PDF file to a directory using Syncfusion:

// Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();

// Add content to the PDF document
PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add();
PdfTextElement textElement = new PdfTextElement("Hello, World!");
page.Graphics.DrawString(textElement, new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Black), new PointF(0, 0));

// Save the PDF document to a memory stream
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

// Convert the memory stream to a byte array
byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray();

// Save the byte array to a file in the desired directory
string filePath = @"C:\Documents\MyFile.pdf";
File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, bytes);

In this example, we create a new PDF document, add some text to it, save it to a memory stream, convert the memory stream to a byte array, and finally save the byte array to a file in the directory “C:\Documents” with the name “MyFile.pdf”. You can modify this code to suit your specific requirements.