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How to Preparing an Application for Release Using Xamarin C#?

How to Preparing an Application for Release Using Xamarin C#?

If you want to release your Xamarin C# application then here is the link that includes steps to release Xamarin application.

Brief steps:

  1. Specify the Application Icon – Each Xamarin.Android application should have an application icon specified. Although not technically necessary, some markets, such as Google Play, require it.
  2. Version the Application – This step involves initializing or updating the versioning information. This is important for future application updates and to ensure that the users are aware of which version of the application they have installed.
  3. Shrink the APK – The size of the final APK can be substantially reduced by using the Xamarin.Android linker on the managed code and ProGuard on the Java bytecode.
  4. Protect the Application – Prevent users or attackers from debugging, tampering, or reverse engineering the application by disabling debugging, obfuscating the managed code, adding anti-debug and anti-tamper, and using native compilation.
  5. Set Packaging Properties – Packaging properties control the creation of the Android application package (APK). This step optimizes the APK, protects its assets, and modularizes the packaging as needed.
  6. Compile – This step compiles the code and assets to verify that it builds in Release mode.
  7. Archive for Publishing – This step builds the app and places it in an archive for signing and publishing.

Ref. Link: