Custom Validation for Date with Data Annotations


Here is the code to check whether date is valid or not using custom validation with Data Annotations using C# (ASP.Net MVC)

Step 1: Create a new class with the name DateValidation and inherit ValidationAttribute. ValidationAttribute required System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace so we need to add “using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;” at the top.

Step 2: Add the following code within the class DateValidation

public override bool IsValid(object value)
            DateTime dt;
            bool parsed = DateTime.TryParse(value.ToString(), out dt);
            if (!parsed)
                return false;
            //  business logic here
            return true;

Here is the complete code.

 public class DateValidation : ValidationAttribute
        public override bool IsValid(object value)
            DateTime dt;
            bool parsed = DateTime.TryParse(value.ToString(), out dt);
            if (!parsed)
                return false;
	    //  business logic here
            return true;

Step 3: Use our custom date validator in the Model

	[Display(Name = "Joining Date")]
        [DateValidation(ErrorMessage = "Invalid Date")]
        [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
        public DateTime JoiningDate { get; set; }

Related: Custom Validation for Date of Birth with Data Annotations